How does
the EVOagri
After years of intensive research, a unique, patented rotation and hydrolysis process infuses water with colloidal copper and silver nanoparticles to restore the soil to its most enriched, natural state, enhancing both plant protection and growth.
Colloidal copper and silver are powerful, natural disinfectants, which eliminates the need for the use of chemicals like pesticides, bactericides and fungicides.
The Technology
Water treatment in agriculture is crucial to provide crops with essential
nutrients for optimal growth while safeguarding natural water sources.
The EVOagri employs patented technology with a three-step approach: hydrolysis,
a specially designed nozzle, and a control system.
The Technology
Water treatment in agriculture is
crucial to provide crops with essential
nutrients for optimal growth while safeguarding natural water sources.
The EVOagri employs patented technology with a three-step approach: hydrolysis, a specially designed nozzle, and a control system.
The Technology
Water treatment in agriculture is crucial to provide crops with essential nutrients for optimal growth while safeguarding natural water sources.
The EVOagri employs patented technology with a three-step approach: hydrolysis, a specially designed nozzle, and a control system.
Three Stage Process
The EVOagri operates in three distinct phases, each crucial for effective water treatment in agriculture.
Specialised electrode casts release
silver and copper nanoparticles into
the water. Silver safeguards while
copper fosters plant health, creating
an ideal growth environment.
A patented nozzle utilises the Lorenz
force and piezo effect to structure
water, increasing cell availability
by over 50% and promoting
optimal plant growth.
Control System
A unique control system manages
hydrolysis by adjusting the current for
maximum efficiency based on
the application.
EVOagri System Advantages
Easy Installation, Operation, And Maintenance
Extensively tested for efficiency and
effectiveness and by the Dartsch Scientific
GmbH Institute (Prof. Dr. Peter Dartsch)
and the Scientific Research Center of
Medical Biophysics (Prof. Dr. Ignat Ignatov)
Simple installation
and commissioning
Low service and maintenance
Long service life due to cavitation-resistant operating principle
5 Year Warranty on
material and workmanship
EVOagri System Advantages
Easy Installation, Operation, And Maintenance
Extensively tested for efficiency and effectiveness and by the Dartsch Scientific GmbH Institute (Prof. Dr. Peter Dartsch) and the Scientific Research Center of Medical Biophysics
(Prof. Dr. Ignat Ignatov)
Simple installation
and commissioning
Low service and maintenance
Long service life due to cavitation-resistant operating principle
5 Year Warranty on
material and workmanship
EVOagri Applications
What can the EVOagri be used for?
It has versatile applications across
numerous commercial areas, worldwide.
EVOagri Applications
What can the EVOagri be used for?
It has versatile applications across numerous commercial areas, worldwide.
Farms And Agricultural Businesses
Farmers and businesses in the agricultural space, particularly those wanting to move to a more regenerative farming approach.
Vineyards, Wineries
And Wine Producers
From conserving and optimising irrigation water,
to enhancing the biodiversity of the soil and ultimately,
grape harvest quality and volume.
Vineyards, Wineries
And Wine Producers
From conserving and optimising irrigation water, to enhancing the biodiversity of the soil and ultimately, grape harvest quality and volume.
Treatment Of
High-Salinity Water
Effectively treat highly saline water, making it suitable for plant and tree irrigation and various agricultural applications.
Man-Made Lakes And Swimming Pools
Efficient disinfection and treatment of water in man-made lakes, swimming pools, and water parks without chemicals like chlorine and existing expensive water treatment systems. Safe for humans, animals, and the environment.
Sports Pitches, Golf Courses And Large Areas Of Commercial Grass
EVOagri treated water can be effectively used to irrigate and disinfect large areas of functional turf, such as golf courses and commercial football and sports pitches. Eliminates issues such as fungal or mould infestations that can discolour, erode or even kill the grass.
Sports Pitches, Golf Courses And
Large Areas Of Commercial Grass
EVOagri treated water can be effectively used to irrigate and disinfect large areas of functional turf, such as golf courses and commercial football and sports pitches. Eliminates issues such as fungal or mould infestations that can discolour, erode or even kill the grass.
See our case studies for more examples of where the EVOagri has
been successfully installed and fulfilled its promise of generating
savings of water, fertilisers and money, and achieving overall
improvement of soil, water and the surrounding ecosystems.
See our case studies for more examples of where the EVOagri has been successfully installed and fulfilled its promise of generating savings of water, fertilisers and money, and achieving overall improvement of soil, water and the surrounding ecosystems.